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        我公司新研發的Tumor rejection antigen P1A(腫瘤排斥抗原P1A)抗體出售!
        作者:江蘇鎮江厚普生物科技有限公司  來源:本站  發表時間:[2015-10-28]  點擊:3312

        Tumor rejection antigen P1A is tightly regulated and is restricted to immune privileged organs such as testis and some lineages of cancer cells including myeloma cells. We have studied P1A-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) responses in a mouse plasmacytoma (J558) model. We showed that P1A-specific CTLs could be efficiently activated in vivo and under optimal conditions, P1A-specific CTL cells can completely eliminate established large P1A+ myeloma. Recently we have successfully cloned the human P1A gene from human cancer cells. Preliminary studies suggest that human P1A is preferentially expressed in myeloma cells but not in normal human tissues. Using human-P1A expressing adenovirus to immunize HLA-A2 transgenic mice, we have found that a few A2-binding peptides can stimulate immune splenocytes to produce IFN-gamma, these epitopes can thus be potentially targeted by CTL in human cancer patients.

        我公司新研發的Tumor rejection antigen P1A(腫瘤排斥抗原P1A)抗體已經通過檢驗測試已經通過檢驗測試,可以應用于蛋白印跡(WB),免疫組化(IHC),免疫細胞化學(ICC),酶聯免疫吸附試驗(ELISA),免疫沉淀(IP),免疫熒光(IF)實驗。具體信息如下:

        編號           產品名稱

        PR-1012,     Tumor rejection antigen P1A Antibody





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        Copyright @ 2011 All Rights Reserved 江蘇鎮江厚普生物科技有限公司 備案/許可證編號為:蘇ICP備11043267號

        地址:江蘇省丹陽市呂城工業園 郵編:212300 電子郵箱:hopebiotech@163.com

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