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        當前位置:產品目錄 > 抗體 >> 單克隆抗體
        PSA antibody, 前列腺特異性抗原單克隆抗體

        編 號 M-1628
        產品名稱 PSA antibody, 前列腺特異性抗原單克隆抗體
        規 格 0.2ml
        價 格 1980元
        應 用 IHC,WB,ELISA,ICC,IP,IF
        品 牌 Hopebiot

        詳細信息: 說明書下載

        Background:  Prostate specific antigen (PSA), also designated γ-seminoprotein, seminin, p30 antigen, semenogelase, and kallikrein 3 (KLK3), was first identified as a glycoprotein in human seminal plasma. PSA was determined by sequence similarity to be a member of the kallikrein subfamily of trypsin proteases. PSA is a serine protease that hydrolyzes the major human seminal protein, the seminal plasma mobility inhibitor precursor, or semenogelin I (SPMIP or SgI), which leads to semen liquification. PSA production and expression are highest in normal, benign hyperplastic and cancerous tissues of the prostate, although PSA has also been detected in accessory male sex glands and in breast cancer. PSA has been identified as an aid in the early detection of prostate cancer and is a commonly used tumor marker.

        Description: Mouse monoclonal to PSA

        Immunogen: Full length native PSA protein purified from human

        Specificity:  ·Reacts with Human.

        ·Isotype: IgG

        Application:  ·Western blotting: 1/100-500. Predicted Mol wt: 29 kDa;

        ·Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin/frozen tissue section): 1/50-200;

        ·Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: 1/100;

        ·Immunoprecipitation: 1/50;

        ·ELISA: 1/500;

        ·Optimal working dilutions must be determined by the end user.


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        Copyright @ 2011 All Rights Reserved 江蘇鎮江厚普生物科技有限公司 備案/許可證編號為:蘇ICP備11043267號

        地址:江蘇省丹陽市呂城工業園 郵編:212300 電子郵箱:hopebiotech@163.com

        訂貨電話:0511-86909515 傳真:0511-86909515 訪問量:19616463   
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